Welcome, fellow believer. Come on in, and make yourself at home.
Why is this space called The Stone and The Oak?
In the book of Joshua, the stone represents a decision to follow God and the oak represents the holy spaces of believers
Let us gather in holy spaces, even online ones, unified by our decision to love God and love others.
This is the space where I create for the Kingdom, and I would love to offer you Encouragement for life’s hardest seasons Testimonials from fellow believers A chance to link arm with me in my mission to repair divisions in the church
Once a month, I will take a friend to a coffee shop (thus, Sips) to talk about a part of the Bible that has intersected his/her life in an important way (hence Scripts).
I couldn’t be more thrilled about the inaugural installment of Sips and Scripts because the conversation we had was so goose-pimply good!
So without further ado, let me introduce the coffee shop conversation