How did you land on creating apparel?” my friend Hilary asked me when I gave her the news. “I have no idea!” I responded.
Did I plan to open a shop with the start of the blog? Definitely not. But I am learning to follow God’s nudges and trust that He knows what He is doing.
While reading the New Testament last year, a verse from Luke sauntered into my heart and took up residence there: “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory of the Father and of the holy angels” (9.26).
I scribbled in my journaling Bible: I am not ashamed of you, Jesus.
My heart quaked at the thought of being ashamed of Him. There was probably a time long ago, as an angsty pre-teen, when I was deftly aware of the “uncoolness” of going to church and identifying myself as a Christian.
But time and trials would bind me back to Him, and now the idea of being ashamed of He who sustains me is positively backwards.
I want others to know the joy and freedom that comes from identifying as His, and not as one of the world.

I want others to know the joy and freedom that comes from identifying as His, and not as one of the world.
In 2020, I wrote about my love of clothing and how I have to keep it in check lest it become an idol.
Upon deeper reflection, I discovered that the root of my love for clothing is a love for color. I wondered if there was a way to use my penchant for color in a fruitful way for the Lord.
And so the idea for the HIS line grew out of a combination of the two: my desire to identify as His in the hopes that others would follow suit, and my love of apparel used to glorify Him.
I wondered if there was a way to use my penchant for color in a fruitful way for the Lord.
Once I chose the initial garments and digitized my logo (which is my handwriting, by the way), I knew I would need to get professional images taken to promote the line.
Cue God. He absolutely brought this amazing young photographer to my line of sight, Ashley Norton.
Not only is Ashley a Christian with a big heart for Jesus, but we had several mutual friends without even knowing it! Plus, I caught Ashley at the beginning of her career which means she is certainly underpriced for the quality of her images.
Two sweet friends and my dear cousin agreed to be the models for the first shoot. I love how these turned out:

And it doesn’t end there. A second photographer, Lindsey Cosentino, loved the mission of the shop and joined the His Wear train, too! I love rotating between Ashley’s and Lindsey’s photography styles based on what each shoot necessitates. Lindsey did a great autumn shoot for the lamb sweatshirts for Fall 2022:

And the Screenprinting? Well, God hooked me up there, too! I met Denise of Mama Shark Designs through the church network and she does ALL of our printing. I love supporting fellow Christian families! Click here to check out the Mama Shark Facebook page.
Above all else, you can pray for me. Starting a small shop has been a learning curve to say the least. Here I am, a teacher trained in composition, learning about trademarks, marketing, and online sales. I need prayers and lots of grace as I work my way through this very unfamiliar endeavor.
Interested in purchasing an item from the shop? Here are a couple of current offerings.

The Ann Crop is a soft crop tee in cream with a bright red logo. Intended to be worn with high-waisted bottoms.
$20. E-mail [email protected] to order
The Daniella tee is a supersoft tri-blend tee in mauve. $22 ladies and $18 kids. To inquire about youth and adult sizes that are left, please email [email protected].

The mission of this little shop is not to get rich. It never will be. In fact, I’m just aiming to break even most quarters. But I do it because I get to channel my love for apparel into something fruitful for the kingdom. And when I see people out and about proudly wearing His wear, that’s a reward in itself. I hope you like it, Jesus. Soli deo gloria.
I could not do it without you, sweet tribe.
with His love,
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