2021: Year in Review

Sometimes I wish I weren’t so achievement-driven. While I am a fairly motivated person, I also come down really hard on myself when I don’t think I have achieved enough. Cue December 2021. I have been reflecting on the past year of the Stone and the Oak, and my first response was to criticize myself […]

I’ve been busy! Recent work roundup

Has my blog seemed quiet lately? I know it seems like that, but I have been a busy little bee this month! (Emphasis on little— you guys know I am 5’2” if I stand up really tall). Here are some of the projects and articles I have been working on (with links!) TWYLA FRANZ’S GRATITUDE […]

In the Woods, He Met Me

Almost nine years ago, I was walking in the woods behind my house in Tallahassee. The afternoon sun was waning and my infant son was sleeping in his wrap against my chest. I was walking with Him, too—praying, listening. Suddenly, I felt a presence to my right.  With my hand on my baby’s head, I […]

Mindfulness and Balance in Approaching Fall Apparel

Clothes are a creative expression for me, but the love of clothes can turn to sin very quickly. This post covers my strategy for keeping the creativity alive, but not letting shopping for clothes turn in to an idol.

10 Things that Make Me Happy

I was tagged by my new friend, Barb, from My Life in our Father’s World, to share 10 things that make me happy. Here they are in no particular order: 1. Crepe Myrtle Blossoms in Hot July It’s always a little melancholy to see a green, lush spring front yard die with the summer heat. […]