In the Woods, He Met Me

Almost nine years ago, I was walking in the woods behind my house in Tallahassee. The afternoon sun was waning and my infant son was sleeping in his wrap against my chest. I was walking with Him, too—praying, listening. Suddenly, I felt a presence to my right.  With my hand on my baby’s head, I […]

New & Improved

When I was walking past my husband’s work-from-home station the other day, I noticed that he was reading my latest blog post. As a subscriber to my blog, he gets an automatic email when I post something new. What I didn’t realize about this automated program is that all of my colors and formatting is […]

10 Things that Make Me Happy

I was tagged by my new friend, Barb, from My Life in our Father’s World, to share 10 things that make me happy. Here they are in no particular order: 1. Crepe Myrtle Blossoms in Hot July It’s always a little melancholy to see a green, lush spring front yard die with the summer heat. […]

Thoughts on Acts: How Saul’s Transformation Parallels our Current Containment

As I mentioned in my Instagram post, I was not terribly familiar with Acts before starting it. I had familiarity with the gospels, but Acts was somewhat of a mystery to me. And to my surprise, Acts is the most action-packed collection of fantastic (and harrowing) stories of the apostles as they begin to build […]

Sips & Scripts: healing trauma and bitterness with the salve of forgiveness

This is Kelly (and her rescue pup, Pumpkin!) Her drink is an iced chai latte. Rather than meeting at Two Cities itself, which is currently closed to in-house customers, we got our coffees to-go, made our way to a nearby park, and spread a quilt underneath the cottonwood trees. Kelly knew exactly what she wanted […]

On the Gospel of Luke and Panic Attacks

I am no stranger to anxiety. I’ve had phobias. I’ve had panic attacks. I have felt absolute desperation. In this post, I discuss how reading the gospel of a
Luke helped me release my sense of control and eased my anxiety symptoms.

Thoughts on Mark: Jesus the human

That thing you are going through? Jesus has been there. There is nothing difficult that we will experience on earth that Jesus did not endure.