Sips & Scripts: Grieving through Writing

Laura discusses her new book of grief: The Missing Moved In and reminds us that Jesus himself hated death and valued the healing power of lament.
My Foster Journey: Caring for God’s Orphans as a Single Foster Mother

Jenn Thatcher discusses how God let her to foster care as a single mother and what He is teaching her along the way.
Sips & Scripts: The Power of Art—Heaven’s Beauty on Earth

Christine touts the importance of Christian art for Kingdom missions like evangelism.
Sips & Scripts: Churches Need More Support for Blended Families. I’ll Start.

Jessica describes her experiences with step-parenting and calls for more Christian resources for blended families.
For The Mom Crying In The Bathroom Mirror

Bethany Kimsey, mom of eight, discusses her passion for discipling to young mothers and showing them how the gospel can intersect their everyday lives.
Here I Am: the Curious Phrase in the Abraham and Isaac Tale

What does true obedience to God look like for Christians? What can we learn from the story of Abraham and Isaac?
HIS Wear: a Christian Clothing Line

The message behind this Christian clothing line is simple: we are HIS and we are not ashamed.
Thoughts on Revelation: He Sends Wings

John’s visions in Revelation offer truth for our modern day: the battle with our enemy may continue, but God offers us help.
Thoughts on Hebrews: A Smoky Skies Kind of Faith

We look to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, and we praise his name even when the skies are smoky and filled with ash.
Thoughts on Ephesians: What it Means to be Rooted in Love

Paul writes to the Ephesians that accepting Christ into their hearts will find them “grounded and rooted in love.” It gave me pause: what kind of soil am I sinking my roots into?
Whatever I choose to immerse myself in— chronic busyness, the act of pleasing others, the search for bodily comfort— will determine what kind of fruit I will bear or whether I will bear any at all.
What does rooting in the soil of God’s love produce?