Thoughts on 2 Corinthians: How to Respond to Comparison and Judgment

The human brain contains what is called the comparative frontoparietal network which allows us to take in stimuli and compare, contrast, and categorize as part of our biological makeup. Making quick decisions based on comparison must have been important in agrarian life: pick the clean fruit; leave the bug-ravaged fruit. In their article “The culture […]

Thoughts on Romans: what would Paul say to a divided America?

June 2020 saw a country torn apart and a powerful call to reconcile issues of race emerged. The deep divide echoes that of Rome when Paul hoped to unify Jew and Gentile. Reconciling differences and repairing past hurts takes work. It is a holy work, a humbling work, a necessary work. Latasha Morrison’s book Be the Bridge offers guidance for Christians seeking racial literacy. If we do the work, we can achieve the unification that Paul hoped for the Romans.

Thoughts on Acts: How Saul’s Transformation Parallels our Current Containment

As I mentioned in my Instagram post, I was not terribly familiar with Acts before starting it. I had familiarity with the gospels, but Acts was somewhat of a mystery to me. And to my surprise, Acts is the most action-packed collection of fantastic (and harrowing) stories of the apostles as they begin to build […]

On the Gospel of Luke and Panic Attacks

I am no stranger to anxiety. I’ve had phobias. I’ve had panic attacks. I have felt absolute desperation. In this post, I discuss how reading the gospel of a
Luke helped me release my sense of control and eased my anxiety symptoms.

Thoughts on Mark: Jesus the human

That thing you are going through? Jesus has been there. There is nothing difficult that we will experience on earth that Jesus did not endure.