The Holy Handshake: LGBTQ+ Issues and Christians

What is the common ground between Christians who do not support LGBTQIA+ relationships and those who do?
Let’s Support Christian Small Shops this Mother’s Day

Gifts for Christian Mothers that Support Christian Smallshops
Three Fun Ways to Encourage Generosity with Our Kids at Christmas

Our culture emphasizes receiving at Christmas; we parents can tip the scales in favor of giving.
New & Improved

When I was walking past my husband’s work-from-home station the other day, I noticed that he was reading my latest blog post. As a subscriber to my blog, he gets an automatic email when I post something new. What I didn’t realize about this automated program is that all of my colors and formatting is […]
Let’s Support Christian Small Shops this Mother’s Day

I will never try to convince you that you need to accumulate more things on this earth. Jesus reminds us to “…store up treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy.” That being said, when we do purchase items, say, a gift for mom, we can be mindful of where our dollars are going. […]
The little free library needs truth

I snagged twelve unmarked Bibles that my college was looking to get rid of, and I have an idea for what to do with them. I’m going to take a Bible (the one Lucy snagged, I suppose) and I’m going to try and get it to someone who needs it. Here’s how: I marked a […]