I planned this project before I even knew what was about to happen in our world. But now that Sunday school classrooms across the nation are closed, this project is rather timely.
I planned this project because I loved the felt boards of yesteryear, and as a kinesthetic learner, it always helps me to get my hands on something tangible when I learn.
Are you a hands-on learner like me? Do you have a kid who learns best this way?
This magnetic board project is incredibly simple to execute; though mine was not particularly inexpensive, I’m including budget-friendly alternatives to what I did.

Magnetic surface
Biblical cut-outs
Adhesive magnets
- This magnetic board from Amazon comes in a cobalt blue and measures 30” x 14”. It goes in and out of stock, but Amazon has many similar alternatives. It was listed at $34.99 when I got it because of its extra-long length and its ability to be hung on the wall.
- INEXPENSIVE ALTERNATIVE: Use a baking sheet that is magnetic. Initially, I wanted to go this route, so I ordered an extra-large baking sheet, but sadly, it was not magnetic. But the smaller ones that I already own are! If you have multiple children, using a baking sheet per kid gives them all a chance to use the magnetic pieces at the same time.
- These adhesive magnets are also from Amazon and come in a pack of 100 for $7.99. They happen to be circular, but any shape works. This particular set has very strong adhesive and a strong magnetic pull.
- INEXPENSIVE ALTERNATIVE: Use the daily 40% off coupon at Michaels to find adhesive magnets for less (if Michaels is open, that is).

- The biblical cut-outs are from the Etsy seller TimeSavors. The New Testament set starts at $7.99 for 100+ pieces of people, scenes, and items found in the NT. The $7.99 price is for cardstock without lamination or having them cut out. I opted for lamination which brought the price to $19.99 for the set, because with small children who tear things, it was worth it to me to spend the extra money. I also added on the $11.99 cutting fee for her to cut out each individual piece rather than try to do 100+ myself. So the total for the pieces came to $31.98
- INEXPENSIVE ALTERNATIVE: Find your own free printable images online and print on cardstock and/or use contact paper to offer protection from ripping.

- The spray paint is an optional step. In retrospect, I think I might have just stuck with the bright blue, but I wanted to make it feel a little more personal, so I sprayed the board with antique teal by Rustoleum. It does look really pretty, but the downside is that I will need to seal it if I don’t want scratches.

I had my middle son take each cut-out and add one or more magnets depending on the size.

He (and a neighbor friend who stopped by) added 100 magnets in less than 10 minutes.

I sprayed the front side of the board fully with spray paint, and now it is ready for use!

So far, we’ve done the story of the Good Samaritan and Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and we are now pulling out the pieces for Holy Week: the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection.

How about you? How have you been supplementing Bible education for your kids now that Sunday School is on pause? Let me know in the comments!
with His love,