I snagged twelve unmarked Bibles that my college was looking to get rid of, and I have an idea for what to do with them.
I’m going to take a Bible (the one Lucy snagged, I suppose) and I’m going to try and get it to someone who needs it.
Here’s how: I marked a page and passage that brings comfort and hope (here I have marked 2 Corinthians 4:6-18)

And I will clip the Bible open to this page. Then, I’m adding a note to the front:

And I will take it to one of those little wooden free libraries that can be found at parks (I know of two in my area) and drop it in. Right before I leave it, I will lay a hand on it and pray the the person who needs to pick it up will do so.
Would you like to do this, too? I have a stack of bibles in fair to excellent condition that may be life-changing if they make it to the right hands at the right time.
Leave a comment on this post if you want a free bible, and I will send it to you! Of course you can tailor the note and verse to whatever you feel guided to select.
You never know, maybe #freelibraryneedstruth will catch on!
with His love,